Saturday, December 12, 2009

Small Bowel Obstruction More Condition_symptoms I Had A Small Bowel Obstruction, Now Hemorrhoids And Swollen Dry Skin?

I had a small bowel obstruction, now hemorrhoids and swollen dry skin? - small bowel obstruction more condition_symptoms

There are about a month ago I had a blockage of the small intestine after my appendix operation. Now I have more and more unpredictable and I am not able to move themselves through the intestine and the stomach feels a little tender from time to time. When I saddle there is a large amount of blood in the toilet and the bathroom badly. My face broke into a severe dry patches, red and slightly swollen and purple have. No matter how cetiphil or help Lubriderm. Today I am going to the doctor, but can these things be related? I'm tired of the hospital and the doctor, but I want to take what's happening now and receive care. Any advice or knowledge is appreciated. Thanks


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