Monday, February 8, 2010

How High Should A Wakeboard Tower Be Is It Better To Have A Wakeboard Tower Or Just Hook The Rope To A Loop On Your Boat?

Is it better to have a wakeboard tower or just hook the rope to a loop on your boat? - how high should a wakeboard tower be

I have wakeboarding for about a year and I wonder if I should get a wakeboard tower? My boat is a pole of 10 inches with a loop at the end of a rope on me. I really do not want to pay $ 600 - $ 2000 for a tour .. They told me that if you have a trick that allows you even higher into the air, and you can do more laps?


Wakesurf while Paintballing said...

big challenge that you receive should be a turning point. You can use a taller tower, so you can get more information. It is also the size of the wake. What makes you go more or less. Get a boat fanatic ARE THE BEST

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